Lab News

2017    2016    2015    2014    2013    2012    2011  

08/03/2014 Our Current Biology paper on the effects of selective logging on tropical biodiversity is in the news.

06/03/2014 Our paper and Sekercioglu's photos have been chosen for the cover of Ecology Letters.

05/02/2014 Sekercioglu receives the University of Utah's Inaugural Citizen Science Award.

04/28/2014 A good story about our new Ecology Letters paper on, "What makes birds of a feather flock together?"

04/10/2014 We received one of four inaugural Foundation Segré-Whitley Fund partnership grants for our research on Landscape Conservation of Large Carnivores in Turkey.

02/20/2014 We are hosting the world-renowned conservation biologist Prof. Stuart Pimm who is giving the Department of Biology Seminar on Extinctions today.

01/07/2014 Our new paper is a global analysis of the effects of forest fragmentation on the world's birds.